
A heartfelt public Thank You.

To those who responded to my bleg: Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. I've emailed those of you who identified yourselves, but this is the only way I have to reach some of you. The financial crisis is far from over, but knowing you care means a lot to me. The only way I can repay you in any way is to continue to try to provide you with something informative and occasionally entertaining to read. I'll do that as long as I can afford a computer and internet service.

My baby sister was informed this morning that she does have breast cancer. She's scheduled for more surgery next Monday, to be followed by chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Her doctors do not expect the cancer to kill her, but she's going to be going through a lot of discomfort and missing a lot of work. Her husband's health insurance plan will cover most of the medical expenses but her employer does not provide any sort of sick pay, short term or long term. It's going to be rough.

I'm a Christian, but not a very good one. I gave up on organized religion when an Air Force chaplain in Saigon offered me a copy of "Open Marriage," then never really found my way back to the church. My sister's situation has me praying, but I really can't think of anything I've done over the years to earn God's help. Please, will those of you who are religious and remember how to pray mention my baby sister the next time you do? I know you will, and I thank you.


At 9:19 PM, Blogger Sergeant America said...

I will mention this request to my wife...She's the "Prayer Warrior" in our hooch! She's former USAF (SAC), too and she knows how to pray... She'll notify her church groups, as well.

We're here, for your Sister; and you!... Y'all are not alone...Mike

At 9:34 AM, Blogger Pat in NC said...

God gave His son that whosoever believeth in Him shall have everlasting life. You obviously believe evn though you have turned away from "man's error" of presenting what is pleasing to God. Favorite verses come to my mind when my faith is at its weakest.Matt 12:20 A bruised reed shall he not break, And A smoking flax shall he not quench...This tells me that although my faith be bruised and the fire all but out, God does not allow it to be totally broken and separated from Him and the little spark that is there can be fanned back into fire because He will not quench it. Another verse I have clung to is Rom:8:26 Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness, for we do not know how to pray as we aught, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with sighs too deep for words. When overcome by grief, I have the certain knowledge that the Spirit understands me and intercedes for me when I cannot find the words to express my needs. I pray you will understand that God loves you and accepts you as he does all of us sinners if we but ask for forgiveness. May God bless you and your family as you face this crisis.


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