
Lack of Muses -- Hope for the future.

Please go meet Max, a "Teenage Republican who loves the Beatles" at Lack of Muses. He left a comment on my blog, I traced it back to his blog to see who he was, and immediately added him to my blogroll. He's just getting started but I love his attitude.

Being reminded there are bright younger people out there, like Max and my daughter, makes my feel like this country may be trying to go to Hell in a hand basket, but it hasn't quite happened yet and there's still time to stop it.

Update: I probably wouldn't have blogged about this but my sister's fed up with people bad-mouthing teenagers as a group and she said I had to. Max emailed me last night to say he didn't have anywhere to store images to use on his blog and he was wondering if I'd mind if he linked to some of the images stored on my web site. OK, so a teenager, a teenager from New York, no less, is polite enough to ask permission to "leech" a little bandwidth? There's hope, people. There's hope.


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