
Mail from home, the hard way

Blackfive has posted another must-read letter to remind us that Iraq isn't the only place we still have brave men and women sacrificing for our country every day. Greyhawk is keeping pretty quiet about the details of his out-of -town business, but if you can read Blackfive's post without wondering whether the writer crossed paths with SGT Hook and some of his Soldiers, you haven't been reading enough MilBlogs.

THE FOUR-ENGINE C-130 Hercules descends toward total darkness above Tarin Kowt in the plains of central Afghanistan, 70 miles north of the ancient capital of Kandahar. Its wheels finally bite into an unmarked dirt airstrip. The aircraft brakes hard, then taxis along the strip. Billows of dust engulf us. The rear door yawns open, and we trundle down the tailgate onto an eerie, empty landscape lit only by the brightness of the moon. As I step onto the runway, my boots sink into six inches of powder, so fine and dry that it might be talc.

(3:32 PM: I just cross-posted this at The Mudville Gazette)


At 5:46 PM, Blogger Pat in NC said...

I have searched for any blogs from military in Afghanistan without success. I would write to a single person in our military or to a group if I had any address. They are in my thoughts and prayers as are those serving in Iraq. If you have any suggestion as to how to get mail to one or more, please send me an email.

At 2:19 PM, Blogger Bill Faith said...

Pat, my day turned pretty busy yesterday but I will find you some answers. If I can't get them somewhere else I'll ask the readers at The Mudville Gazette for help. I apologize for how slow I've been about it and I WILL get you some answers.


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