Just Dumb Ol' George
1) Click the pictures to learn the stories behind them.
2) Compare and Contrast: George W. Bush, Jean Fraud Kerry.
Kerry would have been too busy consulting the French to bother with a lowly Sgt. and would have reminded young Miss Faulkner he'd been to Vietnam.
Hat tip: Louisiana Conservative for reminding me about the picture of the president with Sgt. McNaughton.
Update: Check out Infidel Cowboy's related post. (I'm bumping this to the top of my blog so you won't miss it. Originally published 20040818 9:28 PM)
was Bush making that face because he knew 9/11 was his fault? did he kill that little girl's mother?
Well, I guess I've "arrived." The trolls have found me. Behold, friends, the spoor of the Lesser American Moore-on (ignoramus stupititus). A pathetic, helpless little thing, incapable of independent thought (Never mind that fat maggot behind the curtain.), willfully ignorant of the truth, the Moore-on deludes itself that it can carry the day with lies, misdirection, and personal attacks on anyone with whom it disagrees. I'll leave this one sample of the Moore-on's droppings here for the curious. Any more that I find in the future will be swept out with the rest of the trash.
Those two photos still make me tear up; can't figure out for the life of me why they didn't include the first one when they were telling McNaughton's story in the film at the RNC just before the President's speech.
I just deleted some more troll droppings. I'll leave one for grins, but that's all I'll leave.
George Bush is a good, honest, man. That picture of him hugging the little girl almost made me cry the first time I saw it, and I DID tear up during his acceptance speech. This is one of the most important elections of our lifetime--I have faith in the American people that they'll elect the right man.
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Troll-shit deleted. Yo! Carter! Go fuck yourself.
Came across you quite by accident. Love your blog! We need more patriots like you. We gotta keep kicking the Left wing idiots in the nuts with truth. They can't handle that. I've added a link to you from my little blog. Thanks for your Service!
Thank you so much for the pictures. This is the first time I've seen them, and I cried... That is the way my Daddy used to hold me. And he didn't care who saw. Why are men so different when it comes to their wives? That's another story! I appreciate the pictures and I appreciate our President. I pray God will bless the Faulkner family, your family, you, and the President's family and him.
Bill, You are one of my heroes. Keep on blogging.
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