
mBlog: Arrrggghhh!!! #$%@*&# !!!

I just copied this from www.mblog.com:

Due to issues such as rising cost of service, network abuse, and inability to reach an agreement with MoveableType [sic] we reget [sic] to inform you that we are forced to discontinue this service.

There was absolutely no advance notice.

I may start posting here again or I may post a new forwarding address in a day or two. For now I'm too angry to think straight so I'm not doing anything.


At 3:36 PM, Blogger Rosemary Welch said...

Dear Bill,
They just cut you off like that? And they want women to have top mgmt. positions! (I can say that, I'm a woman!) Sounds sort of like a woman, though, doesn't it? What is your last name? HAVE SOME! Life will be wonderful. We have little, sometimes big, bumps in the road. We are the fortunate ones, though. We know where the road leads. That's more than I can say about a lot of things and people. You'll be fine. God always gives us what we NEED in HIS time. Be patient and who knows? Maybe you'll have the best service ever known to humankind! Well it is possible! LOL God bless your family and you.

At 3:36 PM, Blogger Rosemary Welch said...

Dear Bill,
They just cut you off like that? And they want women to have top mgmt. positions! (I can say that, I'm a woman!) Sounds sort of like a woman, though, doesn't it? What is your last name? HAVE SOME! Life will be wonderful. We have little, sometimes big, bumps in the road. We are the fortunate ones, though. We know where the road leads. That's more than I can say about a lot of things and people. You'll be fine. God always gives us what we NEED in HIS time. Be patient and who knows? Maybe you'll have the best service ever known to humankind! Well it is possible! LOL God bless your family and you.

At 8:29 AM, Blogger Sergeant America said...

Well! Isn't that just a load of happy horse-shiite...

I always try ta' look at this type of adversity as a "learning experience" and try to glean all I can from it...that is; just before I put my fist down through my keyboard or yell at the computer screen... ; ) ...

Between pixel widths "dropping a sidebar" to having a blog hosting website give one a "pink slip;" the average blogger must have a high threshold of pain to even continue in this medium. (jmo) ... That's why the "Big Dog Blogs" usually have staff members who can not only share the accolades; but also share the pain. ...

Today's news and cycle should allow one to regroup and salvage what one can from the mblog website as well as from personal backup files. Those of us that have "extra time," for whatever reason, usually can "get it together" quicker and in a manner more forgiving. The time expended on reconstituting a blog or a website is the rub. Shiite happens...it happens more on the 'Net than perhaps anywhere else? ...

Stay the course and get back into the fight at your own speed. One old sage always quoted ta' me... Life's a bitch, then ya' die! ... and I won't even state that the abuses of some Generation "Echo" wanabees who muck up the World trying to find that "free lunch" that everyone else knows doesn't exist probably are in the mix of miscreants who allowed this website representative to utter his/her sorry assed message du jour. Agreement with MoveableType (sic)...my camouflaged keyboard! Blame a myriad of others in order to deflect one's own ineptness in the business arena and the world at large... Sound familiar?

Cheers! ... Mike

At 9:22 PM, Blogger K-Squared said...

yes blame a myriad of others and ask for 35 dollars to get your info from your blog, I think they went to that Dilbert comicbook management school.....Glad you found someplace else to call your new home though, I figured if I checked back here I would find you had exercised your resourcefulness to do so. Gonna go check it out now. Have a good weekend.

At 12:17 AM, Blogger Rosemary Welch said...

You're doing the right thing by not acting out of anger. Just keep on bloggin'! You'll find it really doesn't matter where you are, we will find you. hehehe.


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